Fábrica de Métricas de Software

Mais importante que a medida, é a medição.

Evitar um erro de 6 PF em um pacote de 100 PF tem um ROI bem superior a 200%

Gustavo Siqueira Simões

Diretor de Operações

The Metrics Factory puts transparency and efficiency on the same side. In the case of software factories, for every 1 PF not identified or misidentified, even with a 5% measurement error, the Metrics Factory ROI is 298%.

The use of function points is a reality in organizations with more mature corporate governance. As a unit in software measurement, it is part of the management of SLAs and as an insum for the management of effort, deadlines and costs. In the case of Agile development in particular, it facilitates capacity planning, backlog management and roadmap prioritization at a higher level. But no use makes measurement more critical than its role in software contracts and software factories.

The Metrics Factory process fits your processes and works on demand. In your vision, you have an operation dedicated to meeting your measurement and estimation needs. We use MESUR© as a productivity tool and that allows us to effectively offer an important instrument for your Portfolio Management as a collateral benefit to measurement. In addition, we are better prepared to answer the most important questions: those that are not yet known!


Active customers in the last 6 months
Function Points measured in the last 03 years
Percentage of audited non-compliance

Principais Benefícios da Fábrica de Métricas da FATTO

Aumento da Qualidade

Com uma equipe especializada, os erros se reduzem drasticamente. A análise de conteúdo dos artefatos os revisa, promovendo requisitos mais completos e claros.

Ganho de Eficácia e Eficiência

O tempo com as estimativas e medições são menores e as discussões de divergências reduzem significativamente, dando mais fluidez ao processo.

Menos Custo e Mais Receita

Erros de medição causam perdas financeiras na ordem de 32% dos contratos de Fábrica de Software.


Métricas e indicadores obtidos independentemente e ao longo do processo elevam os níveis de governança e trazem oportunidades de ação para melhorias nos processos.

The Metrics Factory works as an operation of yours with associated SLAs or can be triggered for point measurements.

Fatto's experience with a world-class Metric Factory becomes yours as well. It takes your measurement to another level, regardless of the methods used to measure the results, the Snap (Software Non-Functional Assessment Process) among them.

Guilherme Siqueira Simões

Diretor Comercial e de Internacionalização

Enquanto no Brasil predomina o uso da Análise de Pontos de Função (APF) do IFPUG, roteiro de métricas de software do SISP e Unidades de Serviço Técnico (UST), no exterior também é comum o método do COSMIC ocupando esse espaço.

Um case da Fábrica de Métricas

A Fábrica de Software mantém contrato com cliente do setor financeiro, cujo resultado está deficitário. Um novo executivo de conta foi mobilizado para reverter essa situação. Ele tem a percepção de que há um problemas nas medições realizadas pelo cliente, no entanto, a sua equipe não consegue resolver.

Serviços oferecidos pela Fábrica de Métricas

Investigação de Requisitos

A "reverse engineering" based on the experience of using the homologation environment, the analysis of development records and interviews with subject matter experts to establish an Analytical Product Framework (EAP) for the software delivered in terms of functional requirements and traceability between the available configuration items and the EAP. Corporate governance objectives and software measurement at higher levels require this separation.

Verificação de Requisitos (SQA)

Discover quality issues in each document individually and inconsistency between others. The aim is to avoid distortion between delivery and its measurement. Reviews are provoked with analysts to eliminate noise, failures and omissions identified in the analysis of documents.

Medição de Software

Transforms different software representations as requirements specifications, design elements, or even activities with a specific goal into a quantity expressed in a unit. The unit can be IFPUG's Point of Function, obtained by APF and its applications in Software Metrics Roadmap such as SISP; SNAP point, for measuring non-functional requirements; Technical Service Unit (UST); or the COSMIC Function Point.

Validação de Medição de Software

Who says, validates. If you already have measurements delivered, then you can use our services to assess whether they comply with measurement requirements and rules.

Cases da Fábrica de Métricas

Tecnologias, Metodologias e outros Recursos na Fábrica de Métricas

Contato sobre a Fábrica de Métricas